High Level Design (HLD)

The first document is entitled High Level Design (HLD), and it includes a description of the client's initial infrastructure, as well as an outline of the target infrastructure. Technical restrictions and the scope of the project are also detailed within this document.

The HLD serves as a reference text, for both the operative and the engineering and planning areas. This accurate technical outline, drawn up by our professional team of experts, also enables people outside the project to have a complete view and undertsanding of it. 

The HLD puts forward several possible ways to achieve the main goal of the project, and provides a deep analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each possible solution with the aim of choosing the one that is considered to be the best to achieve the ultimate objective. 

Low Level Design (LLD)

Our network design service also provides our clients with a detailed description of the solution to be ultimately implemented, as well as the arguments which justify its choice from all other options. Said arguments are usually based on technical and strategic aspects of our client's particular network.

This description is set down in a document entitled Low Level Design (LLD), which also contains the technical details required to implement that particular solution. Technically, it is the most important document of the project, and it oftentimes needs consulting even after the implementation. Thus, it is also drawn up by our fully qualified staff, who have a vast experience working on highly complex projects in many different Latin American countries. 

Like its previous stages, the start-up of the solution requires a separate analysis. In the case of migrations, the aspects to take into account are those which may affect the availability of the service. Consequently, this document also includes specific data about the implementation plan for that particular solution, analyzing the steps to follow in order to avoid situations which may put at risk the final service rendered to the client.


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